Cruising has come a long way from a means of transportation between islands, it’s evolved into a full service experience from onboard amenities, world class dining and itineraries chock full of unique, exhilarating excursions or complete peaceful bliss.
With all the cruise line choices out there, and new itinerary’s and ships being introduced all the time, the choice of picking one can be a daunting task for any traveler.
We have created a quick GoTo guide for our top 4 cruise line choices, to help you break down the options and pick what’s best for your journey.

Princess Cruises

Cruise Travel
Ships: 17
Cost: Moderate
Focus: Couples, family
Rankings: #5 in best cruise line for price, #11 best cruise line in the Caribbean, #12 best cruise line in the mediterranean.
Princess Cruises offers 3 – 111 day journey with flexible options to a variety of global sailing destinations including: Hawaii, Alaska, Europe, and the Caribbean. They offer 2-3 crew members to every 1 passenger on their mid – large sized ships. Flexibility is a way of life on Princess, itineraries and meal plans all have flex options.

Holland America

Cruise Travel
Ships: 14
Cost: Low – Moderate
Focus: Couples, family
Ranking: #6 best cruise for the money, #7 in best cruise for couples, #10 in best cruise line in the Caribbean.
Holland America specializes in experiential travel, with global destinations including: Australia, Mexico, Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Europe and Antarctica. They offer journeys from 1 – 111 days and offer 3 crew members to every 1 passenger.

Celebrity Cruises

Cruise Travel
Ships: 9
Cost: Moderate
Focus: Couples, Family
Rankings: #1 best cruise for the money, #1 best cruise in the mediterranean, #2 best cruise in the Caribbean.
Celebrity Cruises is known for their upscale, innovate design and smaller sized boats. Offering 2-18 day journeys, with global destinations including: Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. There is often 1 crew member to every 2 passengers onboard.


Cruise Travel
Ships: 6
Cost: High
Focus: couples, luxury
Rankings: #4 best line for couples, #3 best luxury cruise line, #3 best cruise line in the mediterranean.
Oceana is a well-known luxury line offering service to unique, less traveled destinations. A crew to passenger ratio of 2:1 is common on most of the mid sized ships. In keeping in line with the elite status of Oceania all cuisine, beverages and service is of top quality and will not disappoint.   
We hope that this list was able to provide you with some insight into your travel planning needs. After all, a cruise should be a unique, tailored experience to suite and meet all of your travel needs. May they be adventure, relaxation, or my favourite – a bit of both.

If you are looking to embark on a cruise ship this year give us a call, we would be happy to help! 1- 403-216-2450

All stats provided by US News 

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